Sunday, April 17, 2011

Closing Time

If there's anything that gets me more stressed out than finals week, it's the week before finals week. I think many people get the drill. Every professor tries to squeeze in those last few tests or assignments so that you have enough points because they are procrastinators themselves, and you are at their mercy. So even though I have spring break this week which is awesome, I feel like I have a million things to do. I still have work also, but not full time as of right now which is good since I have to finish a million things. And I'm fully admitting that I'm putting off A TON of stuff right now, by avoiding reality and blogging for a couple of minutes.

Day 34 of P90X is almost done. I missed my workout on Friday so I did the X Stretch last night. Doubling up today with Legs, Back, and Ab Ripper this morning and later Kenpo X with my friend. Legs and Back wasn't as tough, but it still makes you sweat. It kinda sucks that I don't have a pull up bar, but my funds aren't exactly in the best shape. Not that I ever have enough money in the first place, but I make do with what I got. To do the pull-ups, I used two containers of spaghetti sauce. Innovative? HELL YES. I didn't just wanna sit down and not do anything while Tony and his "kids" kick ass and I veg. I'm still not really seeing a difference in my Ab Ripper exercises. This is by far the BANE OF MY EXISTENCE. It's tough, but it's only month 2 and I've always struggled with core exercises. It's not really doing them that gets me, it's actually finishing all 25 reps without stopping. Definitely helps though when you have 3 other girls who are still struggling with it and can share in your own bitching about it. :)

In the past month, P90X has gotten easier, but sticking with it is still a big commitment. I jumped into a new job that took away a lot of my study time. Not that it's a bad thing though. This new job is something I enjoy doing a lot more than my old one. And it has to do with my major. So, now organizing time is probably my biggest challenge. As if P90X isn't already a challenge in itself, but since it's a huge time commitment, I would say that it is very much something that does "take away" valuable time. It's been hard because sometimes I feel like I'm ditching my friends. All of them for the most part understand. It's important for me to finish this ALL THE WAY THROUGH. In 6 days, it will be Day 40. And in 5 more, 45--half way through the program. Time literally has flown by. And many new things have been happening over the past year, it's hard to catch up.

Between moving out in January, starting a new semester, reconciling old friendships, forming new ones, starting P90X, getting a new job mid-semester, and finding out medically what it is that is wrong, who wouldn't want to just to sit around and let things ride? But, it's almost the end. The end of the semester is only 3 weeks away. That's why this is appropriately titled closing time. It's time to end this semester because, man--did I put up with some bullshit? Academically of course. But, it's time for something new even though I've been surrounded by newness in the beginning months of this year. First off, I need some R&R. Second, I need time to actually do things like read books that aren't textbooks for class. Third, I want to honestly just lay out and even out this fonky tan. (I have a farmer's tan at present--not so cute.) Fourth, I want to really push it with P90X. Definitely once I finish the Lean Schedule, go to classic and finally get to the dreaded PLYOMETRICS.

I'll be done on June 22nd. Not quite sure, but I'm almost positive that it is the first day of summer. And believe me, the girls and I WILL have a party. HELL YEAH.
Until then, I just have to brave it with school, finish all my shit, and pack up my books until Mid-August. Closing time is not far off--just gotta push through.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Good idea?

So today I visited with one of my good friends Katie, and we both realized that we have changed a lot. 2010 was in one very vague but accurate term one helluva year for us and for most of our close friends. A lot of new things have been going on, and I've made a lot of decisions to start changing my life.

That sounds super freakin corney though. You always hear about people "wanting to change their lives." And then 6 months down the line, they revert back to their old ways. For one reason or another they gave up. But, I'm sure as hell NOT the one to judge those people. Which brings me to my point. Almost a year ago, I started working out with some friends. We would go to the school gym and basically screw around over there; we would walk the track, do the elliptical for about 30 minutes, rarely (which meant when I was okay at being ogled at by the male folk) lift weights in the weight room, or do your typical sit up and push up exercises. Now, that was all fine and dandy. Not gonna lie, it's always good to work out with your friends so that you don't feel alone in your pursuit. However, we would get to the classic brick wall. The dreaded plateau. The point where your body is pretty used to you sweating your ass off in the same way about 3-4 times/week. Your body pretty much goes into an 'f this' mode and you stop getting results. I mean, you feel productive that you actually got off your ass and did the work, but you don't get anywhere after that first month.

Well, I tried keeping up with working out through the summer and promised myself that I would get the motivation to go to the gym every other day. But, as always.. me being the nowhere near perfect person that I am slacked off and by the end of the summer, the dream was gone basically. Then came the Fall 2010 semester and me and the group of friends I had were still trying to fit in workout time. This is seeming to get highly predictable, but it didn't work out. Over winter break, it also didn't workout all that well either.

"Dramatic change of events." Actually not dramatic, but this is the transition part of the story where I tell you oh so eloquently how things have changed and are still currently changing. On March 15, 2011, I started P90X with 3 other girls. 2 of the girls are roommates and I happen to semi-live at their apartment. The other girl lives in that same apartment complex as they do. So for those who don't know about P90X, it's basically an intense home-workout plan. It has 12 DVD's of all different workouts that you do everyday for 90 days. (Power, 90 days, Extreme) Now, you may have heard about it being "super hard." You probably have heard about people doing it for 2 or 3 weeks, maybe even a month and then giving up. I am still yet to meet someone who has gone through the entire 90 days. But, that's the whole point of my story. I WANT TO FINISH THIS. I literally have NEVER done something ON MY OWN TIME, ON MY OWN WILL for 90 days. I have never committed to getting in shape. In fact, I am very much a bum, would love to sleep until 11, and am very lazy especially when it comes to unforced commitments. So, I'm committed to doing this program.

Today is Day 27 of the program. Why didn't I start at Day 1? Well, I really didn't get the idea until today while talking to Katie and just being reaffirmed that it would be good to just document the journey, and add in things that I learn. I'm currently taking a dietetics course at my university and have recently turned into a crazed label reading health nut. It's something that I'm concerned about seeing as I've been overweight since I was about 8 or 9.

I hope this is a good idea. I've had negative experiences with blogging in the past especially on social networks such as Myspace and Facebook. I mistakenly used those for diaries when I was younger and even into my early college years. But the aim of this is definitely not to tell anyone about personal issues. I mean being overweight and dealing with it is enough of a personal issue, and no one besides my good friends need to know what else goes on in my life. Also, being in college is an added stressor, and I really wouldn't want to seperate that stress from this blog. If getting in shape is hard, keeping up with school at the same time is a challenge. I want this to be an inside look with things on the side about average old me trying to get in shape and things I learn about on the way.

It's hard breaking a stigma of having a bad experience with blogging, but I am determined to make it something positive and maybe learn something new. Read, comment, follow, doesn't matter. I'm not in it for the numbers. I honestly like to create and write so that is what I'm going to do, and if 1 person likes it, that's more than enough.